Nestled between the harsh, alien, sepulchral aesthetic of a big city, and the ineffable, ungraspable, mystical beauty of the ocean, lies an absurd exploration into how capitalism has buried itself into the fabric of our personhood. SPIT! tells the story of five suit clad creatures emerging from the ocean and driven by the desire to learn. They walk, determined to understand, assimilate, and integrate into the unfamiliar routines of Lambton Quay life. Experiencing the elation of assimilation they return to the ocean, to begin again. 

Nestled between the harsh, alien, sepulchral aesthetic of a big city, and the ineffable, ungraspable, mystical beauty of the ocean, lies an absurd exploration into how capitalism has buried itself into the fabric of our personhood. SPIT! tells the story of five suit clad creatures emerging from the ocean and driven by the desire to learn. They walk, determined to understand, assimilate, and integrate into the unfamiliar routines of Lambton Quay life. Experiencing the elation of assimilation they return to the ocean, to begin again. 

Short Film
